Kollene Carlsson grew up and lives in beautiful Sarasota, Florida. She dreams of amazing places and lovely times with her husband and three sweet kids! Kollene began photographing life as she sees it in her early 20s, always toting a camera and watching the light helps her to notice all the beauty this world really has. She is self taught attending many photography workshops and conventions. She owns and operates a boutique photography studio, Blonde Cow Photography, LLC., together with her husband, Mattias. The studio is located downtown Sarasota in historical Burns Court. They have been in business creating art for families since 2007. She hopes to inspire people to see so much beauty in life and how to capture it.

The Brouhard Family

Seriously what an adorable family! If JCrew is hiring.. you might want to apply! I love you guys! Your spirit and happiness was so contagious… I hurried home to tell my husband about you guys! My face was hurting, I was smiling soooo much! What fun you all have together… that’s what family is all…

Amanda & Andrew’s Engagement Shoot…

Oooohhh this was such a beautiful day! I did Amanda & Andrew’s engagement shoot at Marina Jack’s park! The weather was cooling a bit and the sun was giving such a beautiful gold which made these two glow! Amanda your eyes are gorgeous! We are shooting their wedding this January (check back for a peek)!…

The Eller Family

What a great family! so calm… so laid back… so happy… so cute… even though we were tip-toeing through the sandspurs! You can’t even tell there were ouches.. and ooohs…! You guys are great! I had a blast photographing this family! The lighting was amazing! I was a little nervous on the time as our…


Our friends came to visit from Sweden last week! It was so wonderful to see them! We had so much fun! Lounging, kayaking, beaching, dining, chatting…etc! We love you both and miss you already! Isabelle still says Ninaaah! she cannot wait to meet your little son or daughter! I was so sosooooo excited when Nina…

The Children’s Garden 2007

What a FUN FUN day it was this year at the Children’s Garden Spooktacular Event! I had such a blast photographing all the cutie pies dressed up in their costumes! ADORABLE!!! to view all of the children please visit… www.pictage.com under “find event” just type in Children’s Garden 2007. I hope you enjoy them as…

The Fenix Family!!!

this was probably one of the most refreshing shoots I’ve had! Makes me so thankful for my job…I had the pleasure/honor of photographing this beautiful family this past Sunday. They put the “F” in FAMILY! It’s not everyday that you see a family so fun and so close and so happy to be around eachother…!…

The Leahy Family

Thank Heaven for Little Girls….ohhh how sweet! The other day I got a call from an old client who I did “bellyshots” and an infant shoot a while back… Our girls are close in age so we met a few times for them to play… so cute! annnyhow she was seeing what’s new… then was…

Meghan & Chad’s Engagement Shoot!!!

It’s always so refreshing to photograph Meghan & Chad! They’re like that couple you just want to be around! They are sooo beautifully happy! It makes me smile so much just editing all of their photographs! …I had such a fun time last Sunday photographing Meghan & Chad! We are shooting their wedding this June…


Wow do 8 year olds ever have some ENERGY! I had so much fun photographing this little boy at Selby Gardens this weekend! Hello.. a future GQ Model! He is ADORABLE! He was really getting into his photoshoot! …telling me some really good ideas on how to shoot him… hahaha… hanging from the banyan trees…

Nicky’s Belly

I had so much fun… as I always do with “bellyshots”… but this was of a great friend of mine Nicky! I was so excited to have her other little girl in them, Riley! It’s so touching and sweet how Riley adores her Mommy’s belly.. she really knows her baby sister is in there. Nicky…