Kollene Carlsson grew up and lives in beautiful Sarasota, Florida. She dreams of amazing places and lovely times with her husband and three sweet kids! Kollene began photographing life as she sees it in her early 20s, always toting a camera and watching the light helps her to notice all the beauty this world really has. She is self taught attending many photography workshops and conventions. She owns and operates a boutique photography studio, Blonde Cow Photography, LLC., together with her husband, Mattias. The studio is located downtown Sarasota in historical Burns Court. They have been in business creating art for families since 2007. She hopes to inspire people to see so much beauty in life and how to capture it.

Sarasota Travel Photographer – Wanderlust

Wanderlust ˈwändərˌləst  noun… a strong desire to travel. to explore. To have a job that lets our family see the world makes us feel… lucky! To show our children other cultures, languages, lands… it’s amazing! It’s the best gift I feel, that we can give them! While we are out exploring I always have my camera…

Sarasota Family Photographer -Suits Family

I had such an amazing time photographing this gorgeous family!!! I love shooting out at the Founder’s Club in Sarasota! It’s beautiful and the lighting is just perfect! That nice golden countryside light that I crave so much!  I have been photographing the little ballerina Lily’s pics for years now… but finally they all came…