I looooove this sweet Family!!! and I LOVE this location!!!
such sweet breezy light… happy smiles…
Lately my job has been seriously warming my heart!!!
With season kicking FULL gear around here at BCP…
I can’t help myself but dive into goosebump city!
Every shoot is different… ever family is too…
it’s the family that makes the shoot special…
the smiles… the laughter…
the knowing in my heart that I’m making a difference..
I know that one day these children will grow up and their mothers and fathers will hold these memories tight to their hearts…
and that in itself warms my heart… IT BOILS IT!!!
I think my most favorite pic of the season is the shot above…
Jane on her Mother’s shoulder…
when I shot it… it made me tear up… when I saw it huge on our computer… the tears flew out of my eyes!
the emotion of that shot… of that moment… was so genuine and I’m so happy that I was able to capture that for those two special girls!
you can’t create those kind of moments…